I dont want to start a war about bow weight, but i am a healthy, 23 yr old, former tri-sport athlete and i just cant for the life of me see why anyone feels like they have to shoot heavy bow weight. I shoot 40#, and with a good arra and sharp broad head i blow through everything i shoot. Granted, we dont have elk or moose, but i can shoot for days and not be sore or tired.
I recently held a bow back on a hog that turned straight on while i was at full draw, for a good 15sec, and proceeded to hammer that 100# hog, which was dead in less than 5sec. The arra never slowed down until it buried in sand on the other side. Now how many can hold a #60+ bow that long and still retain accuracy?
My advice is this: Do yourself a favor, get a 40# bow, (i shoot omegas, same price as maddogs) take the time to get it tuned right, find an arra of good weight i like 500gr+ sharpen the crap out of your broad heads, and hunt and target shoot with it. I promise you wont be disappointed. Just my .02.
P.S. Heres the video on that hog.