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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Looking for a new string.  (Read 467 times)

Offline S.C. Hunter

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Looking for a new string.
« on: April 05, 2015, 02:08:00 PM »
I have a Robertson Primal styk LB 66" 56@28 draw to 29.5". The string currently on the bow is a two bundle 18 strand string with padded loops.I primarily shoot GT and looking at the Traditional only from 3 rivers. I also shoot the AD Trads these are a tad tighter on the serving than the GT but still shoot well. The string is FF but not sure of the material.

Looking for possibly going to less strands. 16 or less but don't want a louder bow or picking up so much speed it changes my arrow setup a lot. Any ideas on materials, string makers and is 3" shorter than the bow a good standard with the longbow? Thanks in advance.
USMC 82-86

Offline Robert Armstrong

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Re: Looking for a new string.
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2015, 02:17:00 PM »
I have BCY-X on my 57# and love it. 18 strands and it is quite with good speed. Padded loops are 24 strand.

Offline LBR

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Re: Looking for a new string.
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2015, 02:18:00 PM »
16 or less but don't want a louder bow or picking up so much speed it changes my arrow setup a lot. Any ideas on materials, string makers and is 3" shorter than the bow a good standard with the longbow?
Strand count doesn't mean much because some materials are small in diameter, some larger.  A strand of Dynaflight '97 is almost twice the diameter of 8190 or BCY-X.  450+ is even larger than Dynaflight '97.

My favorite material to date is BCY-X.  Quiet, stable, durable.  Unless you are comparing extremes, speed difference will generally be small.  Still, you may have to change point weight, even arrow spine, because of differences other than speed.

3" shorter is the AMO standard, but not all bows follow it.  Best thing to do is measure the string that puts your bow at proper brace and go with that.  I've seen longbows go from 1.5" to 4" shorter in string length.

Offline S.C. Hunter

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Re: Looking for a new string.
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2015, 03:19:00 PM »
Okay so to update. the string I have is actually a 20 strand. Unstrung the bow and had my daughter also with her younger eyes seperate and count the strands. Two bundle as I said earlier but twenty strand. Also measured the string off of the bow. Put a arrow through each loop and put some tension on the string by pulling the arrows measured from the end of the loop on the back of each arrow. Came up with 63.5"
USMC 82-86

Offline LBR

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Re: Looking for a new string.
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2015, 04:16:00 PM »
I'd definitely go with 63.5" for the string length.  With 20 strands, it's most likely one of the smaller diameter materials.  Getting the proper nock fit shouldn't be any problem for any competent string maker.

FWIW, I like 18-20 strands of BCY-X with the loops padded to 24.

Offline S.C. Hunter

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Re: Looking for a new string.
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2015, 04:35:00 PM »
Thanks sent you a pm. You answered before I sent it. LOL!
USMC 82-86

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