Msbow, here is how I put my two decoys out. Jake is 8 to 10
Yards facing me. The hen is off to one side a few yards and about 2 yards deeper facing away.
The reasoning behind this is simple. Jake faces me because
Most Gobblers will come in and face the Jake, head to head.
This gives me a shot with the Gobbler looking away and a great shot at his back, which is were I prefer to hit them.
The hen is facing away from me because her business end
Will be where the Gobbler will head. Again when he moves to her rear end to mount her, his back is facing me and his head is looking the other way.
This set up was in Nebraska last year, I shot two birds in two days here. I had seen birds feeding in this field two different times and they were roosting within 1/4 mile.
It may be a few days before I can get some pics of my run&
Gun set up, on the road now.