Denver can be whatever you make it. There are every kind of people you want, and every kind you don't.
Within an hour or two you can be hunting public land elk, whitetail, muley, bighorn, moose, mtn goat, pronghorn, bear, turkeys, and a plethora of small game. Of course a few of those species are tough to draw a tag for. You can count on hunting elk, deer, pronghorn, turkeys and bear every year if you choose. And of course plenty of small game, upland birds, waterfowl, and lots of fishing if any those things tickle your fancy.
Our public lands are getting more crowded all the time. Although half the people you run into in the elk woods will be from Wisconsin, half from any other state, and an occasional Coloradan.
The only thing I do not like about it is that I cannot deer hunt out my backdoor 3 months of the year, like I could when I lived in the mid-west. But Kansas and Nebraska are both a stone's throw away, and the public land out there is plentiful as well. I envy those guys that can walk out their backdoor and hunt deer to their heart's content, but I don't think I'd trade it for the variety that Colorado offers. The High Lonesome is in my blood, I couldn't live anywhere without elk bugles echoing off of high mountain basins.
I personally do not like driving the main highways during rush hour, but I choose not to let traffic dictate my mood. It is what it is. There is a big part of me that desires a small town life. However, I would feel very limited in what I could pursue. I like where I'm at, and feel that I'm a comfortable drive away from every outdoor activity that I want.
You will never be bored or run out of things to do. You can have a bow in your hand every month of the year depending on what you want to do. There are a million things to do outdoors or in town. Like I said, it will be exactly and whatever you make it. There are tons of trad guys around. You shouldn't be hurting for good company.
There are lots of good folks on here who would be happy to give you advice when the time comes. My parents are both realestate appraisers and can really help you get a lay of the land. Give us a call here at RMSGear when the times comes. We'll help you figure out the different parts of the city depending on your criteria, and of course help get you plugged in with some great trad folks. Good luck!