I mentioned in my post about the libby shoot, two new products I would post about on there. I thought maybe new posts would be better.
I saw Dan Toelke at the Libby 3D shoot and chatted with him for a bit. He brought a prototype Super D longbow with him for me to shoot, where he and son Jared made some changes to the limb design. They wanted to take out as much reverberation as they could in a D bow design, just tweak the old design slightly as it is pretty easy on the wrists anyways. I gladly accepted the task of taking her out and slinging some arrows through it, comparing it side by side with my current Super D.
You can see by the picture there is a touch more added setback to the limbs. When the new version is strung up next to the previous version, at the same brace height, the profiles are the same. The prototype I shot was 51@28, my bow was 50@28. one pound difference.
At my full draw of 30" , the setback in the limbs keeps the limb tips open more so than a 66" version of a straight limb design would.
The new design gives the arrow a little bit more zip , more so than I feel just a one pound difference in the two bows I was comparing. In the feedback area, it gives the palm a tad less of a report than the previous version. I have a sensitive bow arm shoulder and have never had an issue with the old design anyways. Ive tried a couple bows with straight limb designs and didn't really care for them. Plenty of guys do though so its all personal preference.
The subtle reworking of the Super D is an improvement, no question in my use over the past couple days of daily shooting. Here are some photos of the new and older version.
New at full draw of 30" 66" Bow


Old (L) New (R)

Old (L) New (R)
3 arrow 20 yd group