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Author Topic: Bad shoulder  (Read 564 times)

Offline Flying Dutchman

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Bad shoulder
« on: May 14, 2015, 02:54:00 AM »
Dang, just as I picked up shooting again after a long and bad MS stroke, my left shoulder gave up. The pain is killing me and I can't lift my arm. It hurts like hell and keeps me out of my sleep! Cant use that!
Its not from shooting the bow, because I had it coming before I picked up shooting. Went to FS, and got some dry needling a few times. It looked beter, but suddenly it turned around and became very very bad.
Must see a docter. I hate it when that happens!
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Cari-bow Peregrine
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SBD strings on all, what else?

Offline longbow fanatic 1

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Re: Bad shoulder
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2015, 06:22:00 AM »
I hope it's nothing serious, Dutch! Take care!

Offline suttoman

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Re: Bad shoulder
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2015, 08:48:00 AM »
Man there is sooo much you can do to help yourself - just don't sit around waiting for a doctor to heal you, if they are anything like the ones over here it may never happen.  

The first thing is hydrotherapy.  You can do it with the hot wheat-pack from the microwave, keep it on until the shoulder is good and hot, then whack on the ice - keep that on for about ten minutes.  Do this twice a day, and after a week you should notice a big improvement.  

However, I am impatient and hate to sit still that long.  The other way and works just as well (if you live in a cold country and your tap water is very cold).  A steaming hot shower on that shoulder, massage it under the hot water until it feels nice and free and warm and the skin is glowing pink.  You can take 10-15 min for this part if you wish.  Then turn the freezing cold water on and hold under there for about 45-60 seconds - no longer or you might chill.  It takes your breath away, but is worth it.  Hydrotherapy works extremely well and has saved my shoulder so much over the years.  

Get somebody to do deep but very gentle massage with healing oils into that region.  This regenerates by increasing blood flow and oxygenated blood into the painful areas.  

However, you will probably be like everybody else I tell about simple natural methods, they don;t want to do it because it is free, takes a bit of time and effort, and is not a magic quick fix like everybody is looking for.  If I had listened to the doctors I would be an invalid now and able to do nothing.  Probably would have forked out heaps on operations, and be in even more pain now.

The other thing - and whatever you do - do this one.  Get this book and READ IT.  It saved me from a nasty hip injury a few years back and impending operation.  I live totally pain free and am just as nimble and fit as when in my 30's (in my 50's now).  The stretches and simple exercises in the book work like magic.  Follow it and you will be much better.  Whatever your ailment, it has a section there, bad backs, hip shoulder, knee etc.

Only problem is I think it may be out of print.  However, even if you have to sell your children - buy one.

It is called 'Pain Free - a revolutionary method for stopping chronice pain', by Pete Egoscue - publisher is Bantam Books.

The other thing you can do is take MSM powder and Glucosamine every morning.   These take a while to work but are absolutely marvelous.  They help to heal and coat the painful joint areas.  Cut down on acidic food - alcohol, shellfish, (I am a vegetarian), drink lots of filtered water every day and squeeze fresh lemon juice in there.

Make sure you stop shooting throughout this process and give the body time to heal.

Good luck.   There are other things to do, but do not want to overwhelm you.  PM me if you wish.   Good luck.

One hour of life, crowded to the full with glorious action .... is worth whole years of those mean observances of paltry decorum, in which men steal through existence, like sluggish waters through a marsh, without either honor or observation

Offline pdk25

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Re: Bad shoulder
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2015, 08:52:00 AM »
" If I had listened to the doctors I would be an invalid now and able to do nothing."

I am glad that your therapy helped you, but could you explain this a little more?

Offline Flying Dutchman

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Re: Bad shoulder
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2015, 09:16:00 AM »

I am fighting my MS without any doctors help for 20 years now, I just want a diagnosis to know what exactly is wrong in my shoulder. Then I will fight it, just dont wanna do the wrong things. There are many different kind of injuries you can have in your shoulder...
It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that string! [/i]                            :rolleyes:              
Cari-bow Peregrine
Whippenstick Phoenix
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SBD strings on all, what else?

Offline suttoman

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Re: Bad shoulder
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2015, 09:23:00 AM »
What I meant is I have had a few bad injuries over the years, but was able to avoid an operation and heal myself in each case (the hip I mentioned above).  The main recent one is I tore the meniscus in my knee exactly one year ago.  It was a real beauty because I even heard it go 'pop'.  I could barely walk for weeks.  Doctors said (after many tests), that I would definitely need an operation on it, or it would only get worse and worse.  I decided to try to heal it myself.  It was a very slow process, but now one year later it is about 95% better and getting better all the time.  I do weights and exercises every day to keep fit and strong.   Before the operation I did squats with my wife on my back as resistance (I am lucky, she only weighs 42 kilos), and after I hurt my knee I thought I would never be able to do this again.  Wonderful news is that just this last few weeks I have slowly started the squats again and now I can squat my wife again (after doctors telling me I would never walk properly without an op).

I healed it using the regime I described above with a few other things thrown in for good measure.  Good health is not good luck or some magic wand.   It is living a balanced life, good food, avoid sugar like the plague and soda pop drinks and junk like that (very acidic and attacks the joints, teeth bones etc), and hydrate the body with lots of fresh filtered water every day.  I always close the day with a fresh peppermint tea.

However, I think my 'secret sauce', is that book.  When I fell from a height 8 years ago and jammed my femur into my hip, it was a major injury and I was in real pain, and for a long time too.  I tried all of my tricks mentioned above, but nothing seemed to work.  It was actually while reading here on Tradgang, that somebody mentioned that book by Pete Egoscue, so I immediately ordered one.  I followed the regime every day for the hip and it worked magic.   The simple stretches and exercise realign our whole frame and allow the body to do the rest.  

I am not trying to be some smart a?? by writing this stuff or some 'holier than thou'.  These are very real things that have helped me get back on track many times.  I have a very bad back injury when I was an apprentice carpenter in another life (I mean, it seems that long ago), and have carried that injury all my life.  The doctors wanted to operate on my back when I was in my 30's because I was in constant pain and agony.  It was then I started to realise I had to help myself or be a cripple all my life.   I read everything I could.  The answer I discovered was rock hard ab's.  Most people with bad backs and back pain have floppy languid abdominal muscles.   There is a huge girdle of muscles that wrap around the abdominals in the front and wrap around the back - these support our upper frame.  Throw in a back injury and floppy abdominals, and there is your chronic back pain.  People live on anti inflammatories and wonder why they have stomach problems.  20 odd years ago I bought one of those little mini-tramps (called a 'rebounder') and I have religiously used that every day for the last 20 odd years.  By doing my regime on there every day (because it is soft and bouncy, no jarring on the back), I have rock-hard abdominals and zero back pain now.

AS I told the Dutchman, there is lots more but do not want to overwhelm with too much information.   I risk being criticised as some 'nutter', but these are real experiences I have had and many times felt I was down for the count.  However, the body is a marvelous thing and if we give it the best chance - it really can work miracles.

One hour of life, crowded to the full with glorious action .... is worth whole years of those mean observances of paltry decorum, in which men steal through existence, like sluggish waters through a marsh, without either honor or observation

Offline Sam McMichael

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Re: Bad shoulder
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2015, 11:44:00 AM »
I am really interested in this discussion. I recently messed up my shoulder and have just gone through a program of steroids. It gave me the runs and drove my blood sugar over 300, but the shoulder still hurts a lot.

Please keep talking about home treatments that are helpful, because I don't care much for most of the things the doctor is saying.

Offline Nantahala Nut

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Re: Bad shoulder
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2015, 11:58:00 AM »
X 2 on suttoman.  Had some chronic back and shoulder pain for a few years.  Used all those methods and in combination they worked wonders. Stretching/ mobility exercises really help with preventing injuries.  Hope you can identify the root of the problem and get well!

Offline suttoman

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Re: Bad shoulder
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2015, 10:00:00 PM »
Sam - try what I suggested above, none of them can hurt and you may be surprised!!

One hour of life, crowded to the full with glorious action .... is worth whole years of those mean observances of paltry decorum, in which men steal through existence, like sluggish waters through a marsh, without either honor or observation

Offline arrow flynn

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Re: Bad shoulder
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2015, 11:53:00 PM »
Good advice about more veg less meat also be carefull where you buy .Also natural anti inflammitories like circummen and cannabis oil.Should be taken internally.bitter cherry is also good.First thing in the morning sqeeze one whole lemon in a glass of water.go for alkaline first thing.Istead of ib profen take serrapeptase.and you wont ruin your liver and kidneys.google this stuff and keep an open mind remember big pharma does not care about you.

Offline George Vernon

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Re: Bad shoulder
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2015, 08:53:00 AM »
See a good orthopaedic physician.  Sooner the better.  I started having minor pain in both shoulders about a year ago.  Being in my mid 60's I'm not new to periodic aches and pains so I ignored the symptoms.  But both shoulders got worse over time.  Aching that radiated down my upper arms kept me awake most nights, but I could still do the things I enjoy, like shooting my bows without too much discomfort.  Then my hip flared up.  Same kind of ache.  Sleep was out of the question.  Finally talked it over with my family doctor who said I had classic 'bursitis' symptoms and recommended an orthopaedic specialist.  Xrays showed no significant structural issues.  So cortisone injections in both shoulders and hips (don't look at the biggest needles) followed by six weeks of pretty intense physical therapy to strengthen each joint and hopefully prevent future relapse.  Pain was gone within 24 hours of the injections.  I used to call my shoulders and hips 'rice krispie' joints because they snapped, crackled and popped with every movement.  Physical therapy has really tightened up the joints.  No more 'rice krispie' sounds.  Free movement, no pain, and restful sleep.  Might not work for everyone, but did wonders for me.

Offline Sam McMichael

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Re: Bad shoulder
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2015, 07:32:00 PM »
As you guys suggested, I have been alternating heat and cold today and have found that my shoulder does feel relaxed and is much more comfortable. It seems to work with the tendonitis in my elbow. I think I will continue doing it.

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