Speak with Mike at Dryad and he will steer you right. Excellent products. I do not think there are any 'standards' you can absolutely rely on except limb length.
17" with longs makes a 62" bow so 13" riser and xxl makes 62".
You would want to match ILF limb length to your draw length for maximum efficiency but not over stressing the limbs, at 28" draw you would not be getting into the sweet spot on a xxl limb.
I do not think there is a standard limb pad angle so equal length risers from different bowyers/manufacturers may yield different poundage's. The general rule used to be limbs rated on a 25" riser and the limbs would gain 1" for every inch of riser shortening, so plus 8# on a 17". Again, speak with who made the riser to get the expected poundage.
Limbs poundage with different makers can be rated from full wound in, midpoint or full out, again no standard. Also ILF and DAS connection systems have different amount of poundage adjustment.
Clear and simple as mud eh?
Recommend talk with who you are buying from to get fit with what will meet your needs. Limb bolt position and brace height are important to get into the sweet spot on a limb.