Terry, you aren't being argumentative, just discussing.
Did he know all of what was happening ? Maybe he did. Maybe not.
If you were sold a line of bull and got stuck holding the stolen loot, just exactly what part did you play ?
Many of our guided set ups are not "hunting" as we here tend to see it.
I was referring, however, to the real lack of knowledge out there. He shot it with a crossbow / he shot it with a bow / it went for 40 hours / it went for 48 hours. He lives in Wisconsin, he lives in Minnesota. He lied about a bear, he probably lied to his mother when he was young.
It not OK to "lure" him across the line of the refuge, but it is totally ok to shoot a moose, or bison, or elk that crosses out of Yellowstone onto a private property ?
I just don't know enough to totally pass judgement, except, that ain't my idea of hunting, or fun, or , or , or.
Male lions, according to the internet, tend to live up to about 14 years old in the wild. They fight. I am certain that when he lost his final fight ( he was 13 remember), he would have been clawed and bitten and ousted from his tribe, but probably not killed outright. He would have developed infections, starved, died days or weeks later.
Is there a possibility that this was known, the lion was sold before this time because he is worthless as a dead former pack leader but worth 55 grand (or 50, whatever it really was) alive.
This seems to be the way with elephants and rhinos lately.
For all we know, the Game Commissioner was also in on it, but it went down poorly. Point is, we don't know yet.
BTW, one of the posts on-line said he could " pin a playing card at 100 yards" with his bow. Stuff happens when you are excited.