My strap is attached with leather, but the strap itself is a stitched two piece laminate. It has harder corners than the one piece strap. This spring I rubbed in a bit of Neats glove oil to soften it up a little. So far the stitching is not showing any problems, I'll just replace it if it does.
To answer possums post, hard quivers take time to conform to the user. Once they do they are like a part of you. However, the soft Hill quiver that I have, 22", took no breaking in at all, other than softening the corners of the strap, is very well behaved in the field. I would suggest getting a soft one for your first back quiver. Careful, these back quivers last longer than a pet parrot. You may find a reason to have two if you hunt with more than one set up, but that would be totally unneeded. I have a 27" bop arrows, I prefer 22" for broadheads and 20" for net length target arrows and blunts. I have four two lefties and two righties. Two 20" would do me fine, but I needed an excuse to have more. I do not like the arrows sticking out of the quiver any longer than needed, so I use arrows as short as I can by with.
As aside note, the other night I heard a thump on the back street and my pet possum got run over. Early this morning I heard a noise outside and I have another possum, now I am not sure if the new one is my old pet or the one that got run over. Possums all look alike to me.