Hello,my name is Scott.I'm fairly new to trad gang,but not new to hunting or trad bow hunting.I've been reading stories and seeing pics about hog hunting.It blows me away that you've got all these hogs running around and you can hunt them all year.The only thing we have in Maine to hunt all year is red squirrel(thats red,not fox squirrel,think large chip monk).Any way I would love to plan a hog hunt and I couldn't think of a funner way to do it than to with a fellow trad ganger.Then I thought of the moose hunt swap idea and thought that sounded like fun also. the whole thing might take years to plan because we have "lottery" for moose tags up here. so either you or I would have to win the lottery for this plan to work out. But with alot of faith and a little luck we could have a blast.Let me know what you think. maybe we could hunt together in the not too distant future.