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Author Topic: Suggestions for breakfast in the mountains.  (Read 2503 times)

Offline Whitetail Addict

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Re: Suggestions for breakfast in the mountains.
« Reply #40 on: August 28, 2015, 08:06:00 AM »
Tenderloin/backstraps from whatever critter you're hunting, lol.

Chuck beat me to it, but bacon and pancakes is a killer breakfast IMO too.   :bigsmyl:


Offline widow sax

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Re: Suggestions for breakfast in the mountains.
« Reply #41 on: August 28, 2015, 09:00:00 AM »
I eat Jerky for breakfast and snacks plus a Snickers for my power protein bar and wash it down with a powdered drink mix with caffeine in it Hate Coffee.   Widow

Offline Hummer3T

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Re: Suggestions for breakfast in the mountains.
« Reply #42 on: August 28, 2015, 11:19:00 AM »
I here good things about heather choice, new vender in the mountain food business.
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Offline tracker12

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Re: Suggestions for breakfast in the mountains.
« Reply #43 on: August 28, 2015, 01:08:00 PM »
Oatmeal with dried fruit plus and Ensure drink.  Being doing the same for the last 20 years.

Offline old_goat2

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Re: Suggestions for breakfast in the mountains.
« Reply #44 on: August 28, 2015, 01:12:00 PM »
Granola with vanilla flavored protein powder, add water and go. For a more portable meal to eat on the trail, we bought some MRE type energy bars, one of the local surplus stores to me carries them, taste fantastic!
David Achatz
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Offline YORNOC

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Re: Suggestions for breakfast in the mountains.
« Reply #45 on: August 29, 2015, 04:19:00 PM »
It's been awhile for me since hunting out of a tent camp high up. We did not cook much while hunting for the week, But we used to make trail mix with mostly unsalted peanuts, raisins, cashews, sunflower seeds, chocolate chips, dehydrated banana, and break up pieces of jerky in it. Then constantly snack on it all morning in small amounts. Every couple of days we would open a vacuum pack of smoked salmon fillets and plow it down before heading out.
But have to watch the salt in all this, too easy to dehydrate.
Lots and lots of water, which is most of the weight I would try and carry. Gets awful hot in those Colorado mountains sometimes.
David M. Conroy

Offline Ray Hammond

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Re: Suggestions for breakfast in the mountains.
« Reply #46 on: October 14, 2015, 11:54:00 PM »
I like a big giant bowl of black walnut ice cream for breakfast. that or some cathead biscuits and pan gravy
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Offline woodchucker

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Re: Suggestions for breakfast in the mountains.
« Reply #47 on: October 15, 2015, 10:14:00 AM »
Biscuits & Scrambled Eggs!!!!! Throw in some steak, if you get Lucky!!!!!   :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:
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Offline mlsthmpsn

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Re: Suggestions for breakfast in the mountains.
« Reply #48 on: October 15, 2015, 11:43:00 AM »
Try to find a local source of properly cured/smoked slab bacon. This stuff will be fine un-refrigerated for a 10-day long trip. Also, un-washed eggs need no refrigeration for safe storage for a good while (especially if laid from salmonella-vaccinated hens).

While it may be a pain to haul eggs and bacon up a mountain...that breakfast on a fire in camp would be well worth it to me. I'd probably grab some bars/fruit for pre-dawn hunt-snacking and plan on coming back for proper breakfast mid-morning.

Also, I really enjoy pan-fried Spam...fat/protein rich, and salty with a bit of sugar to help keep your neurons firing. I also tend to bring along lots of cured meats; jerky, pepperoni and dried salami are stable for a a year in the pantry.

Another trick is to use your pack, sleeping bags, or insulated clothing as a make-shift temporary cooler. Take some breakfast sausage or pre-cooked casseroles, or anything you can freeze....vacuum seal two days worth of food in several smaller serving-size packs, and then freeze them so they are flat-ish....then right before you head out....pack your pre-chilled sorta-spoil-ey stuff like eggs and bacon in between the frozen things (in a garbage bag or two so the moisture stays in there), then pack in such a way around the meals, so they stay insulated in you pack by the clothing or sleeping bag. The frozen stuff can get eaten up in the first day or two, and will help cool and extend the other stuff's stability.

I really like the casseroles and other "freezer meals" vac-sealed for dinners, because they are as easy as boiling the bag in a pot of water and eating...no prep, less dishes...and you got hot water for any clean up or "showering" needs at the end of the day....try soaking your tired achy feet in hot water while you eat a hot, home-cooked meal, all by a fire out in the wilderness! Heaven on Earth!
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