Not ruined at all. I've been busted before at stands where cameras let me pattern what deer are coming in and what times they are there. I've seen deer show up on camera a couple of hours after I got busted and left, and then be right back at their normal times the next day. Back in my compound days, I had a small 8point bust me. The next two times I hunted the stand, over the next week or so, he would walk to the edge of the clearing, stop, and look straight up in the tree I was in. A couple days later, I moved my stand to a tree on the other side of the trail, only about 15-20 yards from the first stand. He came out, looked at my old tree, then walked right on out broadside.......and jumped the string. :( But smelling me never spooked him completely off of the area. Might be different with an older buck, but I'd say try it again in a week or two.