Here is the current Zone Map for deer hunting in KY. The more red the county the greater are the deer densities. For instance, I live in Anderson County which has been a Zone 1 county since I moved here in 1995 -- unlimited doe permits and like the rest of the state only 1 buck per season no matter how many types of equipment or seasons you hunt.
As others have said, the eastern part of the state is very heavily forested and thus have densities 1/3rd or less than the farm counties. These zones haven't changed much over the past 20 years. They get tweaked a level or two from time to time.
I would never move from where I live now (grandchildren) but if I had a choice and a clean slate I'd probably follow the Land Between the Lakes advice; Trigg or Christian counties. No big cities in those areas though. For a mix of metro and good deer hunting I'd end up around Bowling Green.
There is something else to be said for Eastern KY though. If you lived in or near the counties bordering the "Elk Zone" you would be able to take "out of zone elk" during deer season. The elk herd in that region is by far the largest in the eastern U.S. at more than 10,000 animals. The 700,000+ acre Daniel Boone National Forest is in that area as well. Of course the name of the forest might be changed some day after some high-spending politician. - sorry, I digress.