I know that some bowyers are leery about trying to copy a grip and it's not a "slam dunk" even if it's one of theirs and they have the riser to go by (unless it's a CNC thing) But for the sake of argument, let's assume a bowyer is willing to try. The problem is I no longer own the riser with "the best grip in the world"....duhhh, I know, never shoulda sold it! But, what would be most helpful? A diagram with the critical dimensions at the throat and base side/side face/belly. I think the guy that has it now might be willing to provide that info for me. The wild card is the radius of the "palm swell" that I assume you really need the real thing to feel in order to approximate. I was wondering, back in my wheelie bow days they used to make a foam sheet that you could heat and wrap around your riser to make a mold that would cool to fit the shape of your individual hand. I they still make it, has anybody ever tried to make a mold of their grip and then fill it up with spray foam insulation or something to make a reasonable facsimile of the real thing. Would it even be useful if it worked?