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Author Topic: Hog Hunting in SE Texas.....Would Like Advice...  (Read 570 times)

Offline Nala

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Hog Hunting in SE Texas.....Would Like Advice...
« on: September 22, 2015, 07:13:00 AM »
Hey all,

In about a month I am going to start hog hunting.  Unless something really extraordinary happens, I'll be hunting Sam Houston National Forest.  Don't know about the Piney Woods and those areas.

If anyone hunts or has hunted Sam Houston, I'd like to get some ideas on places to set up.  I've got 1 place that I have been told about and am going to hunt it primarily, but would like a back-up spot, if you can give me one.

There is no baiting allowed in SHNF.  So, what method or tactic would you say is the best method to hunt these hogs?

Start walking and looking for lots of sign and set up a blind and wait?  What about walking till you find sign and then trying to find them and maybe flush them out or get them into the open from their bedding to maybe have a shot at one?

What do you think would work the best in this area and weather?  I am guessing it'll be in the 80's during the day, maybe a bit hotter.

Any help you care to give me would be appreciated.

Thanks for your time.


Offline Phillip Fields

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Re: Hog Hunting in SE Texas.....Would Like Advice...
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2015, 08:35:00 AM »
Nala, sent you a PM.
Keep em Sharp!

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Re: Hog Hunting in SE Texas.....Would Like Advice...
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2015, 11:06:00 AM »
If you can't bait, then find a place where they congregate, like a wallow. When deciding to hunt it look for fresh sign that they have been there, like in the last day. You can also use a trailcam to try to find out when they are using the area. That would help narrow your search, and hopefully get you there when they decide to be there.


Offline Russ Clagett

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Re: Hog Hunting in SE Texas.....Would Like Advice...
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2015, 04:44:00 PM »
During the day hunt near water and shade. Either have a tree handy that you can climb in a hurry, or bring a large pistol.

Just in case you tie into a big unhappy boar.

I have seen them charge the pickup and cave in the door.

I have also climbed some trees in a hurry.

I'm older now so I carry a large pistol.

Good luck!

Offline pdk25

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Re: Hog Hunting in SE Texas.....Would Like Advice...
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2015, 01:22:00 AM »
Russ, are you trying to scare him, lol.  I would worry more about finding fresh sign on public land than be worried about my health.

Offline Russ Clagett

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Re: Hog Hunting in SE Texas.....Would Like Advice...
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2015, 09:37:00 AM »
No sir, not trying to scare him at all....feral hogs are huge fun to hunt with bow and arrow...but sometimes.....sometimes...a 300 pound boar with large cutters can get pissed off...and you have a real problem then.

So have a plan. That's all.

Huge fun.

Offline Nala

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Re: Hog Hunting in SE Texas.....Would Like Advice...
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2015, 11:27:00 PM »
No way I can climb a tree now...too many back and neck problems.  If I'd fall, good chance I'd be permanently damaged as in not able to walk again or even worse.
I'll be carrying a pistol, my 1911 stoked with the best Buffalo Bore 45acp stuff I can find.  That stuff is supposed to be wicked on penetration.  All Buffalo Bore ammo is pretty much made for hunting and defense situations.

I just want to at look like I know a little bit of what I'm doing and what's going on.
The suckers move so much that I don't think there would be a chance of me pinpointing a place on a map to hunt unless there is something there that would keep them close like a great source of food or cover.  I would think that they would stay as long as there was food and water for them, true or not?

You know hunting is such a communal type activity where it's best enjoyed with friends or people of like interest.  At least that's how I've always done it.  I've never hunted alone in my life except for a couple times in West Florida.  Now I am here, don't know a soul, have been trying to find people to just give me the most basic of info about hunting here and haven't been too successful.
Gonna call the Wildlife person in charge of SHNF and see what they say or if there are better areas to concentrate on than others.  I have read that good areas are at the top tip of Lake Conroe as that part of it is actually in SHNF.  LOTS of cover and water for them.  Problem is if I know about it, I'm sure everyone else does too.
Deer season is about to start too.

Should be interesting if nothing else.  Maybe I'll see a Bigfoot while I'm out there looking for pigs.....

Thanks guys for the advice.


Offline Tejasmick

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Re: Hog Hunting in SE Texas.....Would Like Advice...
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2015, 02:03:00 AM »
Email sent.

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