Yup, a RD hybrid. made by an elder gentleman bowyer who made a (big) mistake in lam calculations, then knowing I was looking for a heavier bow just finished making it and gave it to me.
I was told (by the friend who helped him and arranged for it to be mine) that said bowyer had it on his bow scale and got it up to 80# and couldn't pull it anymore so he just wrote 80+# on it and called it good.
Yup OMG. We made up a few old Beeman (skinny hunter) shafts of old , complete with wrapped solder inside for a total weight over 1000 grains. After it hit the target, all the feathers were pointing forward.
Never bloodied that bow. We were teasing that the first deer killed had to be three of them standing in a row ! Doubt I can pull it now.
Edit. . I guess I did bloody it. When shooting it, without an arm guard, a nock broke on release ( those Beeman outsert nocks were not up to that bow, had two break) and the string hit my arm causing half a baseball to magically appear, blood, purple discoloration, and lots of swearing.