I went out last nite just for symbolic purposes. I dont like to miss "opening day"...lol. It was windy and I did'nt expect to see much. My path didnt hav many leaves on it and I was pleased to find several deer tracks on it. Most were small but there were some large ones, too. Near my pine trees ground blind, the North Easternly wind was swirling alot. So I decided to head down further into the valley and set up my Hunters Seat with the wind in my face and my NW shooting lane to my left.
As I settled in, a couple of squirrels were nearby and I was glad I had tipped one of my arrows with a 145 gn blunt.
About an hour into the hunt, I saw some movement in the valley. A red fox with a white tipped tail was coming up the hill towards me.
I had time to put tension on the string and waited. He bounded passed me but was not alarmed. Then he stopped about 10 yards away. He was quartering away and I could see his rib cage. It would have been an EZ shot but I decided to passs and watched him walk cat like on top of a log and disappear into the woods. All in all it was a good nite on opening day...