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Author Topic: Ever switch broadheads because of price?  (Read 3912 times)

Offline Rooselk

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Re: Ever switch broadheads because of price?
« Reply #60 on: October 07, 2015, 11:38:00 PM »
I have never switched from one brand to another due to price. But that's likely only because I have never purchased, much less used, an expensive broadhead. I started out with Ace Standards, Magnus II, and Zwickey broadheads. I continue to use Ace Standards and Zwickey broadheads to this day. I guess I'm from the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" school.
Compton Traditional Bowhunters • Traditional Bowhunters of Montana • Montana Bowhunters Association

Offline jeffroa2001

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Re: Ever switch broadheads because of price?
« Reply #61 on: October 08, 2015, 01:23:00 AM »
I actually did the same thing this year, I was using Woodsman Bloodgrooves but they jumped another $10 this year. I switched to VPAs and the quality seems better. I'll let you know if I get a chance to kill with them.
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Offline DanielB89

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Re: Ever switch broadheads because of price?
« Reply #62 on: October 08, 2015, 11:44:00 AM »
Originally posted by Bowbldr:
One more time..... What is the price of a high priced Broadhead???????????????????
I think this is a good question.. I look at price in several terms..

How much is the actual cost?  

How many comes with it for that price?  

What quality is the metal? How many blades?  Cutting ratio, etc?  

Does it come with a warranty or any type of guarantee..  I will say that I don't want a head that will bend if it hits a bone.  It appears to me that some of the "best heads" come in any where from $10-$15 per head imo.  

For your heads, Bob, They are at the top of my price range.  Do I like the looks, appeared quality, and everything I have read so far?  YES!  Will I buy some, maybe I will next time I am looking for a good 3 blade.  The thing that really sells me on your heads is the warranty.  I don't know all the broadhead makers out there, but I would like to think that if I am investing $40+ bucks in broadheads, they are going to have some type of guarantee.  I know that VPA, Cut throat, yours, and i'm sure a few others have the same type of guarantee, which is why I will heavily consider them next time I am in need of some.  

As also mentioned, a lot has to do with funds available at the time.  With 2 kids under 3 and a stay at home wife on a teaching salary, there isn't much room for $50 broadheads, though I think they are "worth it".
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Offline Joeabowhunter

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Re: Ever switch broadheads because of price?
« Reply #63 on: October 08, 2015, 12:13:00 PM »
To the O.P.  Yes, I have.  When my supply gets low I like to buy a dozen at a time.  I decided to give Grizzly's a try this time and have been very pleased with them and I saved some money.  

BTW. I thought VPA made the WW Elites...Can't see paying more for one vs the other.  Never used WW Elites but had good luck with VPA's.

Offline John146

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Re: Ever switch broadheads because of price?
« Reply #64 on: October 08, 2015, 12:32:00 PM »
I have enjoyed reading this thread.

My process of determining what I use is not price although their is a threshold for me. I just ordered 3 new 2 blades, single bevel because of what took place this past week while hunting.

I had the great blessing of harvesting 2 deer in 5 days. The second was about 105lb doe and I shot her with a 3 blade VPA, 175 grain. First time I have ever hit a deer right in the shoulder blade broadside. I usually try to hit a little further back. I heard the arrow breakthrough the shoulder blade and when she ran off I had a lot of arrow sticking out.

I had small specks of blood to follow but praise God I found her after a long (time wise)track. She only went 70 yards. When I cleaned her that broad head had broken through both shoulder blades and caused massive bleeding BUT I did not get an exit hole. The broad head just barely poke a small hole in the hide on the opposite side.

The reason I ordered some single bevel 2 blades is NOT because the VPA didn't perform the way it is designed to. That head broke bone and was not curled or chipped! It is because I am shooting only 47#'s @28" and although I have carbon arrows with good FOC I evidently am not pushing enough energy to get that exit hole when I hit a deer in that spot like when I was shooting 57#'s.

Because most of the small place I hunt is very, very, very thick, I know that if she would have been in the thick stuff I would have certainly struggled to find her and I certainly would not have been able to follow the scant blood trail that she left in the oak flat where I shot her.

If I get a chance at a bigger bodied deer, like a nice buck, I know I would be in the same scenario all over again and the thought of losing an animal because of something I can control would just be terrible for me. So, I will spend a decent amount per head for a one piece, single bevel, 2 blade and see what happens knowing I have done what I can. If it doesn't work then an increase in arrow weight is next. I want to kill them clean AND find them afterwards.
Todd Trahan
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