I'm hunting a nice piece of private ground with plenty of deer. I'm the only person with permission other than the owners uncle.
This past Friday I set up on the northeastern corner of a big food plot. I was set up about 20' in a big old poplar tree. The way it looked, the deer would pass at about 20 yards and be broadside.
I started seeing deer at about 3:30 and there was pretty much deer coming and going from then on. Finally a group of doe start heading my way. I was trying to figure out which one I wanted to shoot. Sure enough, they were coming off the field exactly where I wanted them. There was one deer still left in the upper part of the field and she was looking antsy.
So as the deer were coming out of the field in front of me, I was picking my deer. She was just about ready to clear the last little bit of thick stuff between her and I when I hear this crack and then a whistle from the upper part of the field. Right then, the deer that was in the upper field bolted which sent all the deer around me in every direction.
The next thing I know, there is a guy walking across the food plot with his cross bow.
I'd already had an issue with trespassers earlier so I texted the owner. He only lives minutes away and was heading over on his side by side. In the meantime, I yell at the crossbow guy and he starts heading my way. He gets there the same time the owner does only to find out it's his uncle.
Needless to say, my night was over and the uncle was getting an ear full from his nephew for not letting him know he was planning on being there.
I wasn't mad afterwards, it's the man's family and I'm a guest. I was a little upset by the distance he was flinging arrows though. That deer was at least 50 yards from where he shot. Well, that's my story.