At your draw, you are likely in the 45# range with your bow, so a 500 (3555 GT) shaft with 200 to 225 up front cut should work. 145 grains will be too light, I think. You might get by with it if you leave them full length, but that leave a lot of arrow sticking out in front of the bow. In my 48# longbow, drawing maybe 27 1/2" I'm shooting 175 grain points with 50 grain brass inserts behind them (Zwickey Deltas or Simmons Tigersharks with long aluminum adapters) on GT Ted Nugent 3555 blems cut to 29" BOP with 3 5" feathers...506 grains total arrow weight. I get bullet holes paper tuning with 175 gr. field points and excellent flight with both field points and broadheads. I would guess you'd need something similar. If you cut the shafts any shorter, you will need more point weight.