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Author Topic: Hunting wild boar  (Read 456 times)

Offline Colin06

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Hunting wild boar
« on: October 28, 2015, 12:59:00 PM »
I have never hunted before this year but now can hunt wild boar in France. The traditional style over here is to sit at a post & then dogs are released into the area & they run around & bump the game & hopefully they come past me.Sort of like sitting at a pond & throwing a baited hook in & hoping some fish comes past & picks it up.
How do you hunt wild boar? I can find where they've been (tracks, etc) but want to know how to find where they are now. Like I said, I'm a real newbie at this so any advice would be greatly appreciated on how to successfully hunt wild boar. Also, can anyone recommend a very good book on the subject of hunting wild boar that will help me to find the little devils? Thanks

Online Pat B

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Re: Hunting wild boar
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2015, 01:18:00 PM »
Spot and stalk is the way many folks hunt hogs here. If you know areas with food sources scout those areas, keeping the wind in your face and listen for hog activity. The hogs we have here(feral domestic hogs mostly)are generally in packs and can be quite noisy so listening for them is a good way to find them. I don't know if European hogs pack the same.
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Offline Michael Arnette

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Re: Hunting wild boar
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2015, 08:41:00 PM »
here in America we hunt feral swine, not quite as badass as you are wild boar. the wild pigs we hunt here have very good noses and a very smart but they can't see well or hear very well either. This allows it to be quite easy to get close range. I highly recommend still hunting as we call it here or stalking them using a spot and then stalk technique.I hope someone can assist you who has better knowledge with European wild boar.

Offline gregg dudley

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Re: Hunting wild boar
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2015, 11:55:00 PM »
Find the food source and you will find the boar.  If you want to post for them set up on trails coming from cover to the food and catch them coming back to cover in the morning or going to feed in the afternoon.  If you plan to stalk them, ease along known edges where the woods meet the fields or where thickets meet mast trees at primary feeding times and be prepared to shoot at a moments notice. Like some of these guys said, hogs can be extremely noisy, but they can also be ridiculously quiet.  Good luck!

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Offline Nantahala Nut

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Re: Hunting wild boar
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2015, 04:52:00 AM »
I haven't hunted the Russian boar we have out here in the Smoky Mountains but I know a few people that do.  They hunt them at night because they are more active during that time.  The real hillbillies run them down with dogs and stab them with a big old knife....not the most humane or safe way to do it.

Follow the tips these other guys gave and learn as you go.  You will adapt to the best method for your area as you gain experience.

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