My first try would be 60/65's for wood shafts. I'd definitely start on the long side of your range, at 29 1/2".
I don't know the bow first hand, so I have no hands on experience to go by. Nor am I as knowledgeable as a lot of folks here (who I hope will chime in). I do have a passion for wood arrows; all we've shot for the last 5 years. Been making up my own since then.
I do believe the 60/65's will be very close, if not right on. Especially if you're willing to tweak brace height, silencer placement, and/or point weight a bit. Or play with strike plate thickness.
Also may well be those 60/65's will fly true pretty easily. A test kit would be a consideration, if you want to invest a little more in getting the woodies to tune.