I had a chance to take last Friday off and take the wife and kiddos to my parent's home back in WV where I grew up. Dad and I spend 2 days hunting the farm and saw more buck activity than I've ever seen in hunting there for 20 years. I saw 9 different bucks, and Dad saw 5 bucks (2 where 2 that I saw as well). So we saw 12 different bucks in 2 days!!!!!!
All were cruising and scent checking and even saw some full-on chasing. All but 2 were racked bucks and a couple were very nice.
With all the excitement - it was very frustrating too because they were on no pattern and came from upwind, downwind, this way, that way, etc. Even seeing that many bucks - I only had 1 shot. A pretty 4pt gave me a 33 yard shot and I shaved white brisket hair off his armpit. Sure wish he would have ducked a bit - dang quiet recurve!!! LOL I had many inside of 40 yards, but none inside of 30.
Here's a pic I took of that same 4 pt I missed, a day later. But it shows how thick the area is and also what my weekend was like - a whole lot of "close, but not quite." He's at the end of my broadhead (in case you can't see him very good). He's about 40 yards in this pic. Great weekend though!
Now - we have a trail cam set up on the only oak tree with acorns in the tri-state area I believe. We've got 3 or 4 2 year olds that frequent it, and then last Wednesday this beast showed up. This is a GIANT for this area, and appears to be a solid 4 year old buck. Beautiful deer. Never seen him before, and hasn't made a pass since. This oak tree just happens to be in my parents side yard!!!!! They live out in the boonies. Dad said "I'm hunting out of the attic window the rest of year." LOL