By the title I mean this:
I have scouted possible locations, and have plenty to choose from on the public lands I hunt, but the law states no cutting of vegetaton and since Im a rule follower, I will not build blinds on the managed lands.
I do not get to hunt too much, (one evening or morning hunt a week or everyother week) due to family obligations. So how do you guys go about going in on a dark morning and setting up to ensure your highest probability of success?
Evening hunts arent bad as I can see what im doing but im finding it tricky for that morning golden hour.
I do alot of hunting from my climber but to be brutily honest im tired of lugging it around at o'dark thirty with my pack and gear for 900 yds or so. I want to utilize my groud chair more, even though I absolutly love the view of the woods from up high.
Any pics of your NON built up ground sets?