We finally got some deer hunting weather down here. High forties and a nice shower just before sun up this morning. I grabbed a 62 Kodiak and three arrows in a pocket quiver and went for a walk. Out the back door, east for a quarter mile, north for a bit under a quarter mile, then southwest back to the house. I didn't count but saw 12 to 15 different deer, had a true three or four year old spike at twenty one yards. I was in an area at the time that had burned four years ago and I had no cover to duck into. The spike saw me just as he walked into the spot that I had chosen to ambush him. We did a little stare down then he turned and headed south, not alarmed, just doesn't want to be that close to me. I have not seen this deer before and now he is on the hit list. Spikes eat really well and I can leave some pretty bucks for the son in laws. I resumed my walk and not five minutes later an eight point walks by at fifty yards and never sees me. I get close to the wheat field and pull out my binoculars. There is a doe and two young ones to my left. Another doe a couple of hundred yards out, a buck on the far side of the field, and a doe south of him about a hundred yards. I decide to move to the southwest corner of the field where it buts up against a rocky cedar covered hill. I have often seen deer exit the field at that corner, and there is a well worn path there. Once I get there I turn to find the buck chasing the two young deer and momma is nowhere to be seen. He pushes them all over the south end of the field and eventually looses interest and starts walking directly towards me. Darn it, he comes out of the field about thirty yards north of me and I can't see anything because the beebush is so thick. I ease back in the brush a bit hoping that he will turn left and walk straight in front of me. He turns right and heads north, probably looking for the doe. I wait about fifteen minutes then head north parallel to the wheat field. I bust up a couple of does but they just run. No snorting or stomping so no harm done. I am heading towards a feeder where I saw a really wide eight yesterday evening. He wasn't interested in the feed but just slipped in about seventy yards out and looked to see if there were any girls there. When he didn't see any he moved on towards the house feeder to look there. I hoped that I could catch him running his trapline but it was getting a bit late and the clouds had broken and the sun was getting warm. I moved past the feed about eighty yards out and saw two doe there. I went on and busted up two more doe just north of the house.
What a walk! I said a little prayer thanking God for allowing me to live on this little slice of deer heaven. It is times like this that make November so special. No blood spilled but another memory made. Let's see, I have six hours to kill, then I can go do it again...