People make lots of money drawing attention to every nuance. Whether your style is more static or more fluid like Hill style, I think where folks run themselves into trouble is that good form is tighter than what they may think. However, once your own tight form is engrained, visualize and then do it, the only thing left to do is load up a quiver, clear your head and go shoot. I prefer the simplicities of wood arrows. I have been at this long enough that I know what will work for me, no need for any calculator. Making things complicated when they do not need to be, clouds the brain. A cloudy brain gets to be a busy brain, trying to cope. How can that be any fun? When asked about hitting moving targets, Hill said, "I just point and shoot them where they are." All to often, people never get past that point where they are only working on form. The goal should be to get to the point sooner than later where one is only concerned about hitting what they are trying to hit and not so much how and why they are doing it.