At 400 grains, you are on the light side for sure. Your bow will be much quieter and have less hand shock if you up your arrow weight to around 500 or a bit more. A hickory self-bow isn't going to be a speed demon anyway, so don't worry about losing a few FPS by going heavier. Your bow will also last a lot longer shooting heavier arrows because more of the energy is used to move the arrow instead of being dissipated by the limbs whipping back and forth after the arrow leaves.
Don't get too confused by the spine calculator. It will probably get you close, but you will still need to tune to your bow and your shooting form. Are you drawing 28"? The 50# at 28" doesn't mean that unless you draw 28". Personally, I like to paper tune, so I know what my arrows are doing when set up as I hunt with them (albeit without the broadhead). Then I confirm it by shooting an arrow with a broadhead and one or more with the field point I used. Others prefer bare shaft tuning, but I think you have to have very good form for it to work well.
Anyhow, welcome aboard. This is a great place to learn.