I think the rough rule of thumb saying 75% of the compound draw weight is a place to start with recurves (or LB).
Draw weight that promotes poor form is too much. Of course same goes for draw weights that cause pain.
I have little to no regard for the minimums established by government. Those rules are generally in place because of the influence of less than a handful of people who think they no best, often with zero objective empirical data. Of course if a minimum does exist one must adhere too it as the first on a list of ethical decisions.
One of my earliest posts on this site years ago dealt with this. Bowhunters want to be successful within their self-imposed limitations. They will rightly do as this poster is doing, seek experienced advice and try to sort through the contradictions.
Experience will be the final teacher.
Of course if the fellow is asking your advice, then that's part of his adult decision making process, and a good one to seek advice from someone whose opinion he respects. You might simply share one of the better threads on this subject with the fellow and let him read, digest, and decide for himself. Of course if you have experiences you can share those are best of all.
One can kill, wound, or miss with about any draw weight capable of launching a sharp broadhead. I currently personally favor 43-49 pounds for anything I hunt.