Grouping with a stick bow (and other weapons I believe) is 95% mental I've convinced myself...and the other 5% is also mental (maybe physical, but if the mind isn't driving the bus, it doesn't matter).
In the past, I fought bow grips every shot...if I pre-loaded tension and it felt bad in my hand, I shot well (with one bow I had and since went bye-bye).
Now with my SAS LB with custom Grip, my consistency has improved. The grip fits and it's all about concentration and repetitive form...correct form.
When I don't shoot well, I know my mind is wandering and the arrows follow my mind.
Sometimes, shooting well resembles work given the intense concentration required to consistently group well.
On those days that I feel mentally lazy or undisciplined, I just do something else... no sense battling that which refuses to listen to me. A mind is a terrible thing to waste... :rolleyes: