Hi all,
TL;DR: The whip shoots to the left easily and is not perfectly quiet, what do I do?
Been having a little trouble lately trying to tune my new Toelke whip. From what I've heard so far, the bow *shouldn't shoot the way it shoots for me as of now, and I'm sure this is a tuning problem so perhaps you guys can point me towards the right direction here.. Please bear with my wordiness it's almost midnight and this bug just keeps me from sleep
Also please don't take this as a complaint against Toelke whips as this is just a problem to solve when working out a relationship with a new bow that I'm sure everyone has experienced.
So, the problems first:
1. The bow feels very sensitive to my sight picture compared to the other longbows I have or shot before. The arrows that SHOULD produce a weak flight actually fly pretty stiff when my sight picture has the slightest change to the stiff side (eg. when I don't cant enough to get the nock under my eye etc). In short, it's very easy to shoot to the left, and not just by a little. In comparison, I have shot other longbows (both 1 pc and ilf) that don't have this problem even though that other 1 pc longbow is 5# heavier and tops my comfort zone of poundage, so if anything, the whip should be EASIER to point and control.
2. The bow is not perfectly quiet. It's average longbow-grade quiet with 11 gpp arrows but occasionally I get a metallic noise upon release. Again, compared to my other 1 pc longbow, but not saying either bow is better than the other just what seems to work for me right now.. It could also just be that my ears aren't used to the sound of the wood cored longbow, so please let me know if that's the case..
Here are the details for reference:
a) 62" amo, around 49@29 which is where I draw to, smooth smooth smooth.
b) 7 3/8" BH, a hair over 3/4" nock height
c) 2 small sized nock rings, 1 over and 1 under (before you folks ask lol)
d) gamegetter .500 cut to 29.5 with 3X5" feathers. I tried both 145 and 175 gr heads. The bow seems to like the 175 gr heads but that seems way off from what I collect from spine calculator and experience of shooting my other bows.
e) I shoot 3 under. The bow was tillered for 3 under but with the default setup I constantly got fletching cuts so I moved the nock height to a little over 3/4 and added another nock under as well, which worked and saved me a lot of finger blood :D
Let me know if anything comes to your mind or the way your whip is setup, or just that my post is too freaking long :D
Thanks and happy holidays!