I've hunted Northern MI late season with lot's of different wool. I've used Gray Wolf, ASBELL, King of Mountain, Classic Sportsman, Woolrich, Filson, so I've got a broad range of experience with many different products. If you are going to spend time in a tree, with any sort of wind in cold temps (I've sat in ten degrees before in our late season with wind), you MUST use a wind block of some sort if you're going to spend any time on stand. ASBELL makes a wind block and I've got Gray Wolf vest with their wind block and insulation option. I also had a Gray Wolf pullover with wind block that was my favorite to sit in late season with (it had high back collar and wind block liner with front hand warmer pocket that I could put disposable hand warmers in so I could wear thin gloves).
None of the above products without windblock would let me set comfortably beyond 2 hours in the wind in cold temps, even when layered. With windblock and a couple of disposable handwarmers tucked in shirt pockets I could do 4 hours. A windproof hat and face/neck coverage is also a must. Boots should be roomy and feet should have thin wicking liner sock with medium wool sock over that.
Late season cold is tough and fine balance in not wearing too many layers so you don't affect your shooting and staying warm.