Well, Daniel and I talked about this some. I just got an RER LX that scales 61# @ 29.5", and I draw just a little over 29". I figured that there was no way that 400 spine would be too stiff. I finally got a nock set on a string, and the bow was noisy, no matter what I did, and I could actually smell the rest after the shot. Started notice wear on the rest and the shelf. I had to back it down to 500 spined shafts bareshafted with 275 grains up front to get it not to hit the shelf. Then the noise was gone. Still got a little work to do, but I sure am surprised with the results.
I have another story now, of a recurve that I killed some animals with a few years ago before retiring it. It is a pretty high performance recurve cut 3/16" past center and 63# @ 29". Back then, I was shooting 31" 300 spine shafts with 300 grains up front. I took it out the other day to bareshaft it, and I was all over the place. Thinking that my form may have changed, I intentionally overdrew the bow to 30", and still all over the place and stiff. I had to back it down to a 400 spined shaft with 250 grains up front.
I know that I have to go back to the drawing board with some of my other setups now, but it I hard when you have had a lot of success with them. Guess I need to quit crying and get to it. Should have taken Shawn Leonard's advice years ago.