Bill and I have been friends ever since I met him oh so many years ago in Indiantown Florida on my first ever hog bow hunt.
He and his Father, Dick, helped me skin it and prepare the meat, when I did not have a clue.
I have never forgotten their kindness, and have always attempted to help them when I can.
We have shared many a hog hunt since.
Bill and his friend Tom have helped me by building up a lot of my good hunt sites.
After this harvest, my debt might be repaid.
Yesterday morning, we briefly discussed our hunt options for the day, and just as easily could have chosen 9 of my other properties for Tuesday night's hunt.
It's great that fate chose the Dead Horse Ranch.
As many hours as he puts on stand every time he hunts with me....he deserves this trophy.
Very cool!
Congratulations, Bill.
Could not happen to a more deserving guy.