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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: "Airbow – In the Name of Accessibility" a new article at Simply Traditional  (Read 3219 times)

Offline BowHunterGA

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An article regarding the "Airbow" and the preservation of archery only seasons! Please share this article anywhere you can. This is a very important topic and we all own the future integrity of bowhunting! This weapon has no place in archery only seasons!!!!


Offline Paul Cousineau

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The lazy do not roast any game, but the diligent feast on the riches of the hunt. -Proverbs 12:27

Offline RJonesRCRV

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"The Pioneer enhances everything enthusiasts enjoy about archery hunting while making the sport safer and more accessible."

All that remains from regular archery hunting is the arrow, so this is like saying enthusiasts only enjoy the arrow, not the curves, warmth and wood patterns of a bow, etc.

I imagine this air bow can be fun to shoot in its own right, but it is a totally different animal from traditional bows, compounds and crossbows.  Its just a pneumatic spear gun, so I have no idea how they can even put "bow" in the name.
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Offline Thumper Dunker

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Originally posted by RJonesRCRV:
"The Pioneer enhances everything enthusiasts enjoy about archery hunting while making the sport safer and more accessible."

All that remains from regular archery hunting is the arrow, so this is like saying enthusiasts only enjoy the arrow, not the curves, warmth and wood patterns of a bow, etc.

I imagine this air bow can be fun to shoot in its own right, but it is a totally different animal from traditional bows, compounds and crossbows.  Its just a pneumatic spear gun, so I have no idea how they can even put "bow" in the name.
+2 Might as well put a laser on it also.
You can hop but you can't hide.
If it was not for rabbits I would never get a buck.
Yip yipahooooo yipyipyip.

Offline NIGEL01

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Bad bad bad.

Offline Jon Stewart

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Been shooting a bow for 60 years and when the compound showed up we ALL said what's next. We all know the direction archery has taken and now this and as I write this, like the crossbow, the airgun will be on the hunting scene.  Sadly money talks.

Offline wingnut

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This thing was in the booth next to ours at ATA and it was not good.  Very loud and not a bow in any regard.

It has no place in archery as it's not a bow.  It's an air gun that shoots projectiles. . .period.

The folks at ATA probably won't let it in next year.

Mike Westvang

Offline dbd870

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From the link:

"Bowhunting was meant to be difficult. It was supposed to be challenging. The idea was to limit yourself, to give the game the advantage and heighten the experience of a hunt."

Exactly. I'm OK with compounds (even though they really are missing out on some of the above IMO), and with crossbows for those with physical issues and kids in a certain age range but this is going too far!    :rolleyes:
SWA Spyder

Offline BowHunterGA

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Originally posted by Jon Stewart:
Been shooting a bow for 60 years and when the compound showed up we ALL said what's next. We all know the direction archery has taken and now this and as I write this, like the crossbow, the airgun will be on the hunting scene.  Sadly money talks.
I agree with you, but that means we need to ALL take action. Share this article with your friends. Download the template letter and send to your local representatives. We can't just sit back and wait for it to happen, then complain in 10 years about how much we hate airbows going off around us during bow season.....or there is no longer a bow season and just one "Open Season".

Preserving the integrity of bowhunting is at stake. Manufactures already have boots on the ground trying to get this atrocity legalized in many states. Their hope is to get ahead of the people that would oppose such a weapon being allowed. Don't be one of those that only complains after the fact, take action now!

Online JakeD

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I don't really understand the reason for anybody wanting to use one of these during archery season.  Every genre of bowhunter is already covered.  Traditional, compounds, and crossbows cover every aspect that anybody could want.  

I myself am in the process of converting from compound to traditional, and as far as I can tell it's everything that I hoped it would be.  That's the thing that is most important.  The challenge, the skills it takes to get close to game, and the practice needed to make a good clean shot.  Archery shouldn't ever be degraded to pulling a trigger and shooting a deer at 80 yards.  That isn't archery.  I hope that this "air bow" will go away.
Black Widow PCH V 56" 52@28

Offline BowHunterGA

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Originally posted by JakeD:
 Archery shouldn't ever be degraded to pulling a trigger and shooting a deer at 80 yards.  That isn't archery.  I hope that this "air bow" will go away.
I agree with you. Sadly, Crosman and Benjamin already have people working with states to legalize (where it is not already) this weapon. The argument will be that they only want it for gun seasons but if you read and listen to any of the marketing on this weapon right now they are CLEARLY wanting it to be allowed in archery seasons. There is an article and video on the Game and Fishing Magazine website that tells the whole story. In the article they start with "The Crosman Pioneer Airbow enhances everything enthusiasts enjoy about archery hunting while making the sport safer and more accessible." but then in the video they correctly refer to the weapon as a gun numerous times.

Offline mlsthmpsn

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Bow hunting for me is exactly as Aldo penned in the 1930's a voluntary limitation on gadgets that requires woodmaship skills to overcome.

"[T]here is value in any experience that exercises those ethical restraints collectively called 'sportsmanship'. Our tools for the pursuit of wildlife improve faster than we do, and sportsmanship is the voluntary limitation in the use of these armaments. It is aimed to augment the role of skill and shrink the role of Gadgets in the pursuit of wild things."
   -Aldo Leopold-

If we make "hunting" a sure thing, it no longer is hunting...we might as well just pen the deer in and send them to slaughter. That way, no one needs to know how to sharpen a knife, clean an animal, or even how to tie your damn boots....just where your pj's and slippers to the meat section and throw it in the cart!

Bows have strings, period. I'll be sending my concerns to the WI DNR today.
Save me, O God! For the waters have come up to my neck. - Psalm 69:1

Offline BowHunterGA

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Originally posted by mlsthmpsn:

Bows have strings, period. I'll be sending my concerns to the WI DNR today.
Thank you!

Offline Brock

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I sent note to my Governor and also the Chairman of the Board of Directors for SCDNR.
Keep em sharp,

Ron Herman
Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
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USAF Retired (1984-2004)

Offline mlsthmpsn

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Originally posted by BowHunterGA:
Originally posted by mlsthmpsn:

Bows have strings, period. I'll be sending my concerns to the WI DNR today.
Thank you! [/b]
Just got a phone call from a WDNR Administrative Warden - Natural Resources Policy Officer. He said he has been getting a lot of calls/emails in the past few months about the new "airbow"...but I guess these have been a thing for almost a decade now.    :confused:

According to WI State Law, the Airbow is considered to be an AirGUN that fires a unique projectile, and as such can only be used for hunting small game in the State. For this to change in WI, there would need to be legislative action (a 2-3 year process minimum) and the State would have to change the law, and then establish seasons on when/where/what the AirGUN can be used for.

He encouraged me to make sure to voice my concern with lobbying organization like WI Bowhunters and other groups, and to voice my opinion at the local Deer Advisory Council meetings this Spring and in the future.

To be legally used in archery seasons, the State would have to further change the definition of "archery equipment" as well.

That's all for now.
Save me, O God! For the waters have come up to my neck. - Psalm 69:1

Online Orion

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Sad to say Miles, but the Crossbow industry bought our Republican legislators (who control both houses) and Republican governor, and very quickly got crossbows in the archery season in Wisconsin.  (Yeah, I know, they created a separate season,but it runs concurrent with the archery season.)

If the air gun folks can come up with enough money, they can do the same thing, and very quickly regardless of what hunters want.  Too, there are probably enough folks around who want something easier to carry and shoot than a crossbow during the archery season.

If the air gun folks are smart, they'll partner with the makers of those small UAVs (drones) and make them legal for hunting as well.  After all, they're just another "tool." They don't actually shoot the deer -- yet.

Hate to sound so pessimistic, but the world is going to H in a hand basket.  Enjoy your bowhunting while you can.

Offline mlsthmpsn

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Originally posted by Orion:
Sad to say Miles, but the Crossbow industry bought our Republican legislators (who control both houses) and Republican governor, and very quickly got crossbows in the archery season in Wisconsin.  (Yeah, I know, they created a separate season,but it runs concurrent with the archery season.)

If the air gun folks can come up with enough money, they can do the same thing, and very quickly regardless of what hunters want.  Too, there are probably enough folks around who want something easier to carry and shoot than a crossbow during the archery season.

If the air gun folks are smart, they'll partner with the makers of those small UAWs (drones) and make them legal for hunting as well.  After all, they're just another "tool." They don't actually shoot the deer -- yet.

Hate to sound so pessimistic, but the world is going to H in a hand basket.  Enjoy your bowhunting while you can.
He said there's likely some support for these things, and make sure to get our lobbyists involved and to also show up to make it known that you don't support it.

He said, most times, they never hear from the non-support side until they pass things.

At any rate, I fear deer hunting is going to be messed up with all the different county zones managing different goals, and public/private land doe tags....wildlife managers will never be able to effectively do their job managing the herd at carrying capacity with so many uninformed or misinformed hands in the jar.
Save me, O God! For the waters have come up to my neck. - Psalm 69:1

Offline Jon Stewart

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To the OP: The Michigan Bow Hunters and archery hunters across the state fought the crossbow to the bitter end.

This is how it will work. They introduce it and in this case again as it has been around for over a decade, then they request it be used by the dis-abled and then after a few seasons it will be allowed in the regular hunting season.

Money talks just like it did with the crossbow.

Offline huronhunter

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The key is to flat out say No Not in any bow season! That includes men , women And child !

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