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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: "Airbow – In the Name of Accessibility" a new article at Simply Traditional  (Read 3217 times)

Online Bow man

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Great post Steve
Compton Life Member

Offline Bowwild

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Wingnut, with all due respect,
Don't count those chickens regarding the ATA's private stance on this device. They said for years they weren't pushing for crossbow seasons either.

It will be fun to watch the crossbow makers fight this one.  Irony will be dripping so heavy one will need a raincoat and lots of room freshener.


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I know it seems difficult. But, if we all keep hunting our way and for our personal reasons, we will enjoy our season no matter who is toting what. Enjoy what makes you archery happy and don't ruin days sweating over junk like this, or cross guns or wheelies. Its just not worth the angst as it steals away from our positive experiences we are after to begin with. We chose the stick and string for a reason, adhere to that and remember it cant be taken away unless its all taken away.

Offline Bowwild

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Sound advice Pearl Drums.

I saw the conflict of the crossbow issue cut by 75% the membership of our state bowhunting organization. The organization may never recover.

It was divisive because we let it be.

Of course that shouldn't stop anyone from letting their wildlife agency and representative how they feel. You wouldn't believe how often in a public hearing where the agency or rep will say they hear only from those who want something (like 2 people) and nothing from the opponents.

I agree with Pearl though, obsessing about it and worrying that this could be the "end" is unpleasant and mostly wrong.  Frankly, the compound has been a good thing for bowhunting because it boosted our numbers quickly and strongly, much more than we recurve users (ok, and LB folks) would have done.

The thing that bothers me most about campaigns like will come with this (and did with the crossbow) are the lies that will come from the mouths (and hearts) of many advocates. They should all run for office since that seems to be the first qualification of a politician.

Offline Jon Stewart

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Been around this sport along time, shooting for 60 years and seen a lot of changes and not many for the good. Heck they even invented a word for archery, "traditional" because back in the day it was just called archery.

I ain't obsessing about it, just stating a fact as to where archery has come from and where it is going.

I am fortunate to own my own property to hunt on and pass on to my grandkids.

Offline BWallace10327

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The air bow has given me a great idea... the powder-bow.  Plenty of people have one already and my not even know it.  My powder-bow is a Remington 700 that improves upon the air bow by using an explosive powder to propel a 180 grain arrow instead of effort or air.  Maybe these are the next step for bow seasons...   :readit:    :readit:
***$ Brent Wallace $***
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Offline finkm1

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If the "air bow" would ever be legalized we would have even more, "lazy" people roaming the woods. It was amazing when Michigan legalized the crossbow, how many people went out and bought a crossbow because of "bad shoulders". One person told me he just doesn't have time to practice. I just bite my tongue and smile back. Oh the times they be a changing.    :archer:
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Offline Bowwild

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Barely on topic but...
I despised the crossbow for most of my adult life. I even worked against it being legalized dating back to the early 1980s (IN).

However, when your best friend (mine is 70), who after 50 years of shooting vertical bows (and national/world 3D champion) can't do it anymore....the crossbow keeps him in the woods. Cancer hammered him.

I agree that many who use them and would use the topic of this thread, are not dedicated enough to HOW they hunt to make practice a priority. But, not everyone.

I agree with BWallace10327 above.... give it a couple more years and someone will invite a projectile that can be contained with powder (cartridge) and launched from a hollow tube (barrel).

Offline finkm1

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Before crossbows were legal for everyone to use in Michigan, it was legal for a disabled person with the proper paper work to hunt with one during archery season. Myself and everyone I know had no problem with it. If it meant that the individual could keep enjoying the woods that was great!!! As I've said in other posts on the crossbow subject, they are legal here in Michigan and I leave it at that. I may not agree with them but that's the way it is.
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Online Orion

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Same thing happened in Wisconsin.  Folks with disabilities could get a permit to use Crossbows during deer season.  That wasn't enough for the crossbow industry or pseudo bowhunters. No bowhunting or gun hunting organizations asked for legalizing the crossbow during archery season, yet we have it.

Offline Bowwild

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Some influential people end up with crossbows during the persuasive stages of these decisions.

Offline Michael Arnette

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How in the world are they thinking they can use this weapon and "archery" in the same sentence.

Offline LC

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"How in the world are they thinking they can use this weapon and "archery" in the same sentence."

They are thinking money is why. Period. It's called the big tent theory. The we all have to stick together and not in fight if we are going to survive theory. First it will be for "handicapped" individuals. Then one or two years later it will be included in bow season! Just stating facts here. They will meet with DNR officials from your state the at local Cabelas's and convince how  more many people will benefit from it and how much  revenue they will get from including it in BOW season. Your local DNR officials after having a all expense paid trip will all go home with a brand new Crossman bow gun! Trust me just stating the facts.
Once again it's called the big tent theory. Myself for one is getting very wet standing on the edge of the big tent!
Most people get rich by making more money than they have needs, me, I just reduced my needs!

Offline beaunaro

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I love your comments.

Well stated.
Irv Eichorst

Offline Mint

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I think we are fooling ourselves. Most "bow hunters" don't think like we do. On the Long Island Deer Hunting facebook page which is basically for bow hunters they took a poll to see who was in favor of the crossbow. Over 80% of the compound hunters wanted the crossbow legal on LI. I'm guessing 80% will support this airgun too.
The Constitution shall never be construed... to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.

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Offline Muttly

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Whew! I was way off base. Saw the header and kept wondering, air bow... air bow??...like air guitar??

 Was expecting some crazy new age yoga virtual just visualize the bow, now draw the imaginary bow, Jack Handy kinda mumbo jumbo...

Guessing the actual contraption is almost as goofy.
So a wild guess, basically a blow dart with a stock?? Does it have a string?

Offline KentuckyTJ

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All opposed will have to pay more than the airgun company does to your state politicians to keep them out of archery season. Thats the only way to win this battle. You can sit here and gripe all you want about it which will do nothing but make you feel better.

Their marketing dept claims they are legal in five states so far. Not sure if that is during archery season or not though. Read the fine print. Power of suggestion maybe. Haha


The fulfillment of your hunt is determined by the amount of effort you put into it  >>>---->

Offline monterey

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Colorado has regs prohibiting them.

"G. Hydraulic or pneumatic technology cannot be used To derive or store energy to propel arrows."

"I didn't say all that stuff". - Confucius........and Yogi Berra

Offline Ron Vought

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Bowhunters should have fought to define archery equipment restrictions years ago. This weapon or the crossgun would never even be considered archery equipment if we would have taken a stand....shame on us as bowhunters!


Offline Michael Arnette

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This is going to be an ongoing battle! I think the only way we can really avoid it is by separating ourselves from the mechanically cocked and propelled equipment...crossbows, airguns all of it! If we can separate ourselves legislatively we can have a separate season which will generate additional funds. Its all about funds. I would recommend separate ourselves from compounds as well but they have become too much a part of true archery equipment and have allowed too many people to enjoy the true hand-drawn and released archery hunting experience.

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