I had rotator cuff, bone spur, bone to bone on the collar bone joint fixed as well as lot of arthritis removed last Jan.
I was on a passive motion machine 4 hours a day plus 2 hours of rehab daily from day one. With a 30 minute break between sets it took me 9 hours a day to complete rehab for the first month.
So, I am making great progress, just about pain free after 6 weeks and I decide I knew enough about rehab to push it a bit, you know, double the weights like a real man. BIG MISTAKE, I was back to square one in short order, wracked with pain to the point I had to stop rehab for two weeks and get a shot in my shoulder.
Starting over, I did exactly what they told me to in rehab and progressed nicely. I was shooting my normal poundage in 6 months
A year out my shoulder is much better than it was before surgery, it will never be 100%, gets sore if I use it much over my head. I am back to lifting the same weights as I did before surgery, shooting a bow doesn't hurt. The best thing is I can sleep on my bad shoulder side again.
My experience, as well as my friends who have had the same surgery; a year is a reasonable time frame to get over the surgery as much as you are going to.
I have been through some bad injuries in my life, broken back, wrist, and a host of other things. They were nothing compared to getting over the pain from this surgery.