Terry, I talked to Noah and explained that there were some things being done on Trad Gang to help raise money for him(Noah). I also told him that everyone in the Trad Gang extended family was thinking of him and that everyone sent there love and prayers to him and his family. He is going to be in contact with me over the next couple days. When I get to speak to him in further detail I will find out his exact wants and needs. My wife and I are attending the service for his Mother and younger brother Nate on Tuesday and I will try an update you on anything else we can do for this fine young man!! He was in good spirits and doing as well as can be expected. We talked and we both shed a tear buy he is a strong kid and has a bright future. He wanted to Thank everyone at Trad gang for their thoughts and prayers, also for what everyone is doing through donations and such to help him through this trying time!! Thanks again to you and everyone at Trad Gang!! Shawn