I just revisited the Northernmost site where you guys hunted last year, John.
We didn't go there this year because it was a bit wet, and would not have been a pleasant tracking job nor drag out.
We had gotten more rain since Rick and Andrew from MLA shot their pigs here in early January.
While changing batteries, I was inside the fence which surrounds the feeder to keep the cows at bay.
I had just spun the feeder twice on test mode, AND...I heard the fence squeak.
A nice healthy black 125# boar came within 15 feet of me as I stood motionless next to the barrel.
He trotted across the field from the pines, with his head held proud and high, ears strait up and alert as if he owned the joint.
I watched him advance steadily, heading for his favorite opening in the barbed wire...I thought for a minute I was going to have some help finishing my feeder work.
When he finally got my wind, he trotted off to 20 yards and stopped broadside to look back, and then again at 25 yards.
CLASSIC behavior!
I had never seen a pig go through a barbed wire fence on a dead run before, but this guy was as agile as a gazelle, squeezing between the bottom wire and the next one up without so much as a wiggle in his posture.
Fun stuff!
This happened around 6PM...broad daylight.
I tried to squeeze this repair in before evening, so the site could rest and be ready.
I'm usually too busy with mid day chores to see this kind of stuff, so it was a treat.