We have overbooked With Trad Gang hunters and have decided to book another hunt period for this years bear camp. We book very small groups with focus on a quality hunt for BIG bears. The dates will fall somewhere between June 10-22. This is pre-rut and full rut with little chance of bad weather associated with early hunts.
We will only have 5 or possibly 6 hunters MAX per hunt period and our exclusive territory is nearly one million acres. If a bear hunt has been on your bucket list or you are recovering from one that did not meet your expectations, look hard at this experience. It is a wild, beautiful place with BIG BIG bears.
For information check out our website listed below and give me a call to discuss. We only have 3-4 spots left.
A quick video here showing the potential when hunting this wilderness area.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjW72EA6kUE&feature=player_detailpage Jerry