Sunday morning I packed up my bow, loaded my quiver with blunt tipped arrows a drove up to my dads for a little small game hunting and some stump shooting. I've made this trip thousands of times in the last 36 years, however this one was going to be different. My mom passed away a month ago and this was the first time I had been to the house since her passing.
When I got there, I went inside and sat with dad. For the first time in my life, I felt a little awkward around him. He looked a little tired, so I took up my bow as dad rested his eyes for a bit.
I walked an old over grown Christmas tree grove, hoping to find a grouse or possibly a rabbit. I didn't put up ant grouse or see any bunnies but this wood lot was loaded with stumps. There was a slight breeze and the sun was low in the sky casting long shadows. It was eerily quiet. I shot at stumps at various distances. my PSR was shooting very well.
As I came out to a small field, I reflected back on the memories of my mother. Specifically, 36 years before, in that very same field, I was shooting a solide fiberglass Stemler recurve, you know, the one with the rubber grip and duel shelf. Well, being right handed, I was shooting a cedar arrow off the right shelf, holding the arrow on with my left thumb. The arrow was split and three inch splinter went right through my thumb!! I told mom that I had a "splinter". Mom said, "hold on while I get my glasses...." I replied " don't need your glasses to see THIS" as I held out my thumb.