Larry, my two Hills are tillered for 3-under, too. I've shot plenty of standard-tiller bows just fine, so I'm not exactly sure that I can feel the difference, but it does give me a little extra confidence, which goes a long way.
Rob and Steve, it seems to me that it is a most natural part of the human condition to accept whatever's easiest in any undertaking. I'm not immune to that, either. I am certainly a modern fellow, with a far easier life than many who went before, and I enjoy the benefits of instant this and online that, and now that my town has become McKatherine, I find myself going through the drive-through to collect McBreakfast at 0430 before heading-out into the bush to be old-fashioned and hunt using the spot-and-stalk technique - Oh, the shame of this McPractice! But when I do choose to do something the old-fashioned way, a harder way, the satisfaction and pleasure are most rewarding.