G'day lads,
I got a beaut surprise when I got home from work this afternoon, as I had no idea it was finished or on its way! The sight of the long box, that we know and love, really made my day. I rang Craig a day shy of four weeks ago today.
It is a string-follow 70" Redman, with locator grip, bubinga riser and tillered for three-under shooting. It is 60# at 28", although I draw 29". I didn't choose the tip overlay option, as I quite like the plain Jane tips. The string it wears was made a few weeks ago, and is fourteen strands of TS+, padded to twenty at the loops.
The Douglas fir I ordered from Surewood Shafts arrived just today, so before I shoot it I will have a few busy days of making arrows. I suppose I could be tempted to shoot some arrows that will be too stiff for it...
Here's "Sunburnt Redman":