So I was cruising through the various facebook trad archery pages last night as I waiting for my youngest son to punch himself out enough lay in bed, and I came across what seemed like a pretty interesting idea. There was one guy on a page (I don't even remember the page, I haven't been to it too often), but he was drumming up any interest in a sort of virtual shoot. If you haven't heard of the idea (and I hadn't until last night) I guess the idea is that everyone has the entire first week of each month to take their 3 shots in their own yard, range, etc. There's a standard 40 cm(?) target, and from 20 yards. Then they post the pictures of their group to the page. Apparently, the pure meaninglessness of it all (since there's no prizes outside of bragging rights and a good time), keeps everyone honest. In the end, if you cheated, what did you accomplish anyway? Sounded like an interesting idea. We have a group here that does a similar kayak bass fishing facebook tourney each month where you have "x" number days to catch your top 3 biggest fish, take a pic of the measuring trough and send them in, except the winner gets some lures or something. I'm just wondering if this idea has been around, or if it's being done elsewhere? If so, thoughts?
p.s.- I know, I know, *insert usual rant about the internet, smart phones, and technology in general*, I'm not trying to create a generational show-down here, just wondering if I'm late to the party and this idea is already out there.