Monterey, about the decoys, don't just add two more, you only need two a Jake and hen, but they need to be the best
You can afford. I use the DSD brand, they are the most anatomically correct made, with unreal paint jobs. Since Avian
X updated their decoys last year, I would use them, good paint
And the right size now.
You actually only need to use a Jake, but since I use a hen call I put out a hen also. The Gobblers just cannot tolerate a
Jake and 99.9% of the time they come in and never look at the hen, they just murder the Jake over and over.
Quaker Boy makes a good shaker gobble call. I only use it early in the season when the birds are establishing their territory. Works great at times but be careful with it don't try to sound like the baddest gobbler in the woods. Try to sound like a Jake trying to gobble.