I have asked numerous questions of many of you regarding; shooting gloves, tabs, shooting split finger vs three under, finger pinch, and miscellaneous up coming traditional archery events.
Well, I now am able to notify you all, that I am finally able to use that new shooting glove my wife got for me.
And, there is No finger pinch at all !!!
I discovered a sure fire way to stop any and all finger pinch caused by nock pinch from shooting the split finger or Mediterranean style.
It was very easy, I don't know why I did not think of, or do it before….. The guaranteed cure of finger pinch is ...
Just buy a Longbow...
Now, Knowing the wonderful State of New Jersey has an over abundance of bottom dwelling, scum sucking, parasitic leaches… AKA: lawyers.
I am posting a fair warning, advising you all I am not responsible for any damage to your computer.
The pictures posted below will cause you to suddenly drool and uncontrollably salivate all over your key board, possibly causing untold damage to your computer.
So, don't blame me. You were warned.
***Warning*** Not responsible for your computer being damaged.
Read and look at the below pictures at your own risk!
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