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Author Topic: Tradgang Virtual Shoot (April) Information/Questions Thread (AND GENERAL CHAT)  (Read 2634 times)

Offline Cavscout9753

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So, in an entirely selfish move on my part I want to open this up for any questions as well as to put out some clarifying information. In my haste I don't think the "I'm in" thread was entirely clear. This way if you have questions or I need to clearify anything we can keep from clogging up the shoot/score thread with extra posts that no one will read anyway. To all those not doing the shoot, I apologize in advance for the future bumping of this thread and the score thread; I just don't want anyone to miss out on seeing it.

1) When you shoot, please take a pic of your target and post it into your own "I'm in" post with your points. That way the thread wont be 100 pages long. Just edit your post to include your picture and any info you want. I'll go through them and update the "Participants" post to reflect your score.

2) If you dont see your name on the list, and its clear I skipped over it just let me know. I try to stay up on top of it all but mistakes can happen.

Offline Cavscout9753

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Offline dirtguy

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Thanks for doing this!

Offline Cavscout9753

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No problem! My goal is to balance maximum fun with minimum hassle. That's the secret to longevity I think.

Offline monterey

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For a PDF target, send me a PM with your email address and I'll send to you.

"I didn't say all that stuff". - Confucius........and Yogi Berra

Offline monterey

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I think I'm caught up with targets but if I missed you, send me another PM.

"I didn't say all that stuff". - Confucius........and Yogi Berra

Offline Cavscout9753

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Thanks montery. I'm only semi-computer literate.

Offline Homebru

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Does the center 2-inch bull need to be solid color?  Can you use a "dot" in the center?

Offline Cavscout9753

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Nope, whatever works best for you. You can color the rings, shade them, whatever, so long as they remain the proper size of 2", 4", 6", 8".

Offline Cavscout9753

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Offline Cavscout9753

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Days are drawing closer. I hope everyone's practice is paying off more than mine! Haha. I've had a couple of people manage to create a digital copy of the target (not a requirement by any means), but if you want one you can send me a PM and I'll point you in the right direction. Also, with pictures, if you can't work photobucket (just the pic program I use, theres others I believe) just try to manage to send it to me via text. The only drawback here is that I can't edit your "I'm in" post to have your picture in there. So as a reminder on that note, please be sure to edit your "im in" post rather than start a whole new post; pouring over 5-6 pages to collect scores is easier than 10-12 pages. Any questions please feel free to post them here. Any FAQ's can be for the groups benefit rather than a ton of PM questions; odds are theres others out there wondering the same things.
Good luck all and keep at the practice! I'm gonna see if my Wesley Special will make me proud!

Offline Cavscout9753

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newhouse114 " A question, can you have multiple entries with a different bow for each?"

 hmm. I'm not at all familiar with how things "normally" go at an archery shoot, or if there's many ways to go about (as I suspect is more the case.)
I don't necessarily see why not, provided for ease of scoring you put them all in a single post. If it ends up being crazy - i.e.: guys dragging 20 bows out and drilling away with them, we'd probably have to set some sort of limit in the future. My fear is, if even 10 people shot 5 different bows, there's 50 different scores to keep track of between just those guys. I'm only one man and a vast majority of this is done on my iphone, haha. But go ahead, if guys want to see how they do between a couple of their bows, go for it. I'm a one man band, so if the Wesley lets me down (that's the only way it could happen, I could never let her down...lol) then my score will just be low and crappy. Again, just try to keep the posting as neat and tidy as humanly possible.

Offline monterey

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Here is something to watch for regarding the target PDFs I've sent to some of you.  It does not print to thsame size for all recipients.  In seems to vary with the printer used!

So before shooting for record, check you target ring sizes.  The outside ring should be eight inches.  If it's not, it will be under sized which of course is a disadvantage to you.

"I didn't say all that stuff". - Confucius........and Yogi Berra

Offline Homebru

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Originally posted by monterey:
Here is something to watch for regarding the target PDFs I've sent to some of you.  It does not print to thsame size for all recipients.  In seems to vary with the printer used!

So before shooting for record, check you target ring sizes.  The outside ring should be eight inches.  If it's not, it will be under sized which of course is a disadvantage to you.
On standard 8 1/2 x 11 paper, you should have 1/4 in on each side.  Mine printed more like 3/4 inch.  I'll either fiddle with it or get out a compass.

Offline monterey

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Guess they are OK for practice.

"I didn't say all that stuff". - Confucius........and Yogi Berra

Offline Cavscout9753

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Getting down to the wire for the shoot. If you check the list and your name isn't on it then I just missed your "im in" post. Shoot me a PM and let me know.
  The 60# HHA Wesley is feeling pretty light these days with all the practice. I wish I could tell you they all are grouping great but thats not the case. Still, they're staying where I want them to for the most part. I share my 15 yard target with my oldest boy, so he keeps me on my toes. Happy practice everyone!

Offline monterey

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Are we posting equipment Info with our targets?

"I didn't say all that stuff". - Confucius........and Yogi Berra

Offline Cavscout9753

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I am; certainly not a requirement but I plan on putting my kit in the pic and giving a little run-down of the stats. I figure its a good way to see what people are using and trying out these days. I encourage others to do the same, but if they don't there's no problem with that too.

Offline Cavscout9753

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Alright folks, shooting opens tomorrow so you'll have all week and on into sunday to take your shots. I'll update the thread with your score(s) as often as I can. Good luck!

Offline monterey

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Just to clarify, do we take a pic and then show it by editing it into our original "I'm in" post?

"I didn't say all that stuff". - Confucius........and Yogi Berra

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