Hello all,
I just joined Tradgang a few weeks ago and have made a couple of posts, but decided it was time to introduce myself. Also have a few pics from a nice afternoon stump shoot I thought you might enjoy.
I have been involved in traditional archery for over 45 years. While I have also shot modern equipment, I have never stopped owning and shooting traditional gear. It is a passion. I also got into traditional muzzleloading 16 years ago and build and shoot those as well.
I'm happy to be part of the discussion and look forward to reading and contributing here.
Here's a picture of me today in the beautiful Whitewater valley of SE Minnesota on an afternoon stump shoot. My bow is a 68" 46# @ 30 1/2" Big River longbow I recently purchased. I used to shoot heavy bows, but age and bursitis in the elbows has had me dropping weight. This bow is exceedingly smooth and stable and despite the low draw weight spits heavy arrows well.

Here's a closer picture of the bow:

There is one spot in this valley that is one of my favorite places to be. It's so peaceful. It's a plateau that looks down over a small stream. Whenever I stump shoot there, I like to take a long shot or two way down by the creek. It's around 90 to 100 yards. Here's a view from the plateau down to the creek. My target was a small log about in the middle of the photo.

It always amazes me what one can do with traditional gear and instinctive shooting! Did I shoot another to see if this was a fluke? Heck no!!! When lady luck shines, I don't question her integrity!!!

After all, I was 2" or 3" high!

The arrows are tapered cedar shafts from 3 Rivers. I have made my own arrows for about 40 years.

Thanks for having me.