I believe there is great value in keeping your arrows with the bow all the times. A bow quiver makes this happen and requires minimal movement to get the arrow from the quiver to the shelf.
When low crawling with a rifle in the military, you lay it along the top of one forearm (more or less parallel to your body). When doing the military high-crawl, you cradle it on your elbows (perpendicular to your body). Google up a couple pictures and you will see what I mean. I'm sure a bow with quiver could be done the same way.
That type of crawling in THIS part of the west seems pretty impractical to me though. Loose gravel, dry twigs, cactus spines, ants, scorpions, snakes, etc. would make covering a even a short distance quietly very difficult. Taking a long time to use this method quietly puts you at the mercy of shifting winds and the blazing sun. Just my opinion though, I suppose there is a time and place for anything. - John