My normal anchor is the feather touching the bottom of my nose, and my thumb knuckle on a certain place on my jaw. This gives me a point-on of 45 yards, + or -, depending on the bow and arrow I'm shooting.
When I learned to use the fixed crawl, I was able to get a 25 yard point on. Alternatively, if I use my normal 3 under grip, but move my anchor up to where my index and middle fingers are on the top and bottom of my cheekbone under my eye, and the string hits a certain spot on my eyebrow, I have the same 25 yard point-on I would get with the fixed crawl.
I'm learning to use this pretty well, so I decided to experiment with anchoring my hand under my chin, Olympic style, and the string touching my nose for long shots, which gives me a 70 yard point-on. I'm not very accurate with this yet, but more accurate than holding 10' or so above the target, which I would need to do to make a 70 yard shot using my regular anchor.