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Author Topic: Snow Birds  (Read 570 times)

Offline Pryor

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Snow Birds
« on: April 11, 2016, 10:49:00 AM »
Opening weekend of turkeys in Colorado.  Snow was perfect, keeping every one out of our secret spot.  Went up on Friday and camped in the rain and snow.

  Woke up the next morning to a blizzard, and walked about 5 miles through it.  To say that we were wet and cold would be an understatement.  As we approached the honey hole the birds were gobbling off of the roosts about 500 yards below us.  Got set up and put out my new Avian X jake, and Primos hen at 8 yards.  The weather broke right at fly down, and about 20 minutes later we had a tom fighting the decoy!  I waited until his fan blocked his vision and drew my recurve.  Had to hold my draw longer than I wanted, but he eventually stopped moving so much and I let the arrow fly.  Nothing.  He ran out about 5 yards, and decided that that jake wasn't going to scare him off, came right back in and started fighting.  Got another arrow and let it fly.  Nothing.  This time he decided that something wasn't right and started to walk away. he got about 20 yards away and my buddy Jake smoked him with his compound.  I could not believe that I missed him twice.  We had a few other toms in close proximity, but none of them saw our set.  After cuddling in the blind trying to keep warm we decided to walk back to camp and relax.  Shot my bow at camp and hitting bulls eyes.  I am pretty sure that in the heat of the moment I did not pick a spot, and probably did not finish my shot sequence.

  I walked back in alone on sunday to the same conditions.  Birds were more quiet, and so was I.  At 9:00  I was trying to mimic a hen that was yelping and cutting about 50 yards below me, when a tail fan crossed the blind window at 3 yards.  Time for redemption.  He began his dance with the jake, and I drew and really focused. I let the arrow fly, missing about 1" over his back but right in line. The rest of the day proved to be uneventful.  

  Missing one bird twice, and another once at 8 yards hurts the pride a little, but the birds cooperated, and we did fill one tag, so it was a very successful hunt.  I am in the middle of moving, so I will not get a chance to go again for a few weeks.  That is OK, because I need to practice like crazy.  The worst thing about the trip is that I left my camera on the charger at home, or I would have some really cool turkey footage.
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Offline Michael Arnette

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Re: Snow Birds
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2016, 11:22:00 AM »
Turkeys mess with you man! I missed two last week back to back

Online Tater

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Re: Snow Birds
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2016, 11:56:00 AM »
Sounds like a great weekend,even with the weather.
   Hunted a few openers in Colorado when the wind chill was in the single digits.

    Go get'um next time..!
Compton Traditional Bowhunters Charter/Life Member
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Offline monterey

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Re: Snow Birds
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2016, 01:09:00 PM »
I'm a sissy.  Stayed home expecting bad weather.

Too bad about the camera.

Did you guys drag a blind along or improvise?

My grandson and friends went to our favorite spot and found it loaded with sign of turkeys but they were silent.

I'm going on Wednesday.  Weather man is promising it will be amenable to us comfort seeking types.

Keep us updated.   :thumbsup:

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Offline stick33

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Re: Snow Birds
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2016, 01:34:00 PM »
You're not alone! I had 4 shots w/ my recurve in NE last week under 15 yards and only brought home 1 tom. Lots of excitement and small vitals will do that to a guy. When the blind starts rattling from a bird drumming at 10 yds, I might as well just throw my arrow out the blind window... haha.

Offline Pryor

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Re: Snow Birds
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2016, 04:04:00 PM »
Hey Monterey,

  We did pack the blind in.  It is amazing how little attention the birds pay to it.  I have hunted from natural blinds with my compound, but after using a blind a few years it is hard to go with out it. To bad you couldn't make it out, good thing it is a long season.  

  Stick33, It is funny you mention throwing your arrow at them, because we also made that joke.
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Online M60gunner

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Re: Snow Birds
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2016, 06:42:00 PM »
Oh well, next time. Your in some good turkey area. What is the old saying? Pick a spot.
We here in Az. refer to "snow birds" as those folks from cold country that winter here. About another month and they will be all gone.

Offline highlow

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Re: Snow Birds
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2016, 06:50:00 PM »
You guys aren't doing anything for my confidence. We start the 25th and I'll be trying for my first tom with the stick. They're not real vocal so far. Weather due to warm later this week so maybe that'll get 'em going. Can't wait. Hope I have a better report to post here than what I've been reading.   :pray:
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